$(document).ready(function() { $('div#divRequestJournal').hide(); $("#txtSignatureBox").val("Please select the above checkbox before entering your Full Legal Name"); $('#txtBarcode').focus(); $('#txtaNotes').on("input", function(){ var maxlength = $(this).attr("maxlength"); var currentLength = $(this).val().length; $('#txtaNotesCount').text('('+currentLength+'/'+maxlength+')'); }); }); $(function() { // validate the comment form when it is submitted $("#frmPatronRequest").validate({ rules: { txtBarcode: { required: true, digits: true, minlength: 14, maxlength: 14, }, txtFName: { required: true, }, txtLName: { required: true, }, txtEmailAddy: { required: true, email: true, }, slctBranch: { required: true, }, txtAuthor: { required: true, }, txtTitle: { required: true, }, txtJDate: { required: true, date: true, }, txtJVolume: { digits: true, }, txtJNumber: { digits: true, }, txtJPages: { digits: true, }, txtSignatureBox: { required: true, }, }, messages: { txtBarcode: { required: "Please enter your Library Card Number", digits: "Please enter only whole numeric values", minlength: "You can enter a minimum length of 14 characters", maxlength: "You can enter a maximum length of 14 characters", }, txtFName: { required: "Please enter your First Name", }, txtLName: { required: "Please enter your Last Name", }, txtEmailAddy: { required: "Please enter your Email Address", email: "That doesn't appear to be a valid email address", }, slctBranch: { required: "Please select a Library Branch", }, txtAuthor: { required: "Please enter the Author", }, txtTitle: { required: "Please enter the Title", }, txtJDate: { required: "Please enter the Journal Date", date: "Please enter a valid Date", }, txtJVolume: { digits: "Please enter only whole numbers", }, txtJNumber: { digits: "Please enter only whole numbers", }, txtJPages: { digits: "Please enter only whole numbers", }, txtSignatureBox: { required: "Please mark checkbox and enter your Full Legal Name", }, }, }); }); function addInterLibJournal() { var strReturn = ''; strReturn += '
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