Library Fines and Fees


The Washington County Library System has placed a temporary moratorium on fines and fees. Starting March 20, 2020, there will not be late fees charged on overdue materials. This measure is intended to assist patrons who are practicing social separation that can’t come to the library to check in their items.

This may impact the hold list on some items. If the item is turned in late, it will take longer to reach the next patron in the hold queue. If an item is held 6 weeks past the due date, the item will be changed to lost status. Items can be renewed online in your cardholder account, by calling in and speaking to a librarian, or by making a request via the “Help” tab on the website.

Fines will be reinstated when the COVID-19 pandemic isolation measures are lifted. Thank you for your cooperation as the Library System practices limited library use to comply with the directions of government leaders and their recommendation of social separation during this time.