How to use the fob (DSX) software

Don’t like instructional videos? Fine.

  1. Login to the software.
  2. Double-click on “Locations” in the top-left corner of the interface.
  3. Double-click on your branch name that appears below “Locations.”
  4. Single-click on “Card Holder.”
  5. A pop-up window will appear in the middle of the screen. Click the “Show All Card Holders” button in the middle of the window.
  6. Now in the right pane of the interface, find the name of the person in question. Double-click the name.
  7. A new window appears. Select the “Cards/Phone #/Key” tab at the top of said window.
  8. On the right-pane of this window, double-click on the card number (right below “CARD #”).
  9. Another new window opens. Select the “Access Level” tab at the top of said window.
  10. Available (pre-made) Access Levels are presented on the left. The currently assigned Access Level (if there is one) is presented on the right. Use the “Add >” and/or “< Remove” buttons to assign/revoke access. Click the “OK” button the bottom-right of the Access Levels window. Click the “OK” button the bottom-right again. Ready to log out? Go to File > Exit.
  11. Go enjoy a nice slice of pizza.

Questions? Email J Maxfield in IT.

Access Levels (as of 8/10/11)

Because someone will ask, here’s what the Access Levels are set to currently.

The major players

  • Any Manager level profiles (Hurricane – Manager, Enterprise – Manager, etc.) has 24/7 access
  • With the exception of St. George, all Staff level profiles (Hurricane – Staff, Enterprise – Staff, etc.) are set to Mon–Sat 7:30am–7:30pm
  • The St. George Staff level profile is set to Mon–Sat 7:30am–8:30pm

The fringe stuff

  • Washington Community Room: Mon–Sat 9:00am–12:00am (midnight)
  • St. George Book Drop: Mon–Sat 7:30am–10:30pm
  • New Harmony Community Room: Mon–Sat 9:00am–10:00pm
  • Enterprise Community Room: Mon–Sat 9:00am–10:00pm
  • Enterprise Janitor: Sun–Sat 6:00am–12:00am (midnight)